A large rock in the middle of your lawn can be a big headache. Not only is it a potential safety hazard, but it can cause major damage to lawnmowers and trimmers.
In my case, I had a few rocks on my property that stuck up just above the lawn and were always causing issues. Issues with having to mow around them and another rock in the middle of a pathway that was a major tripping hazard.
Finally I said, “Enough is enough, these rocks have to go!”
So, If you are in a similar situation and are looking to rid your lawn of a few troublesome large rocks, you came to the right place!
Best Ways To Remove a Large Rock
When it comes to removing these pesky stones, there are really only a few options…well “reasonable” options.
The three best options I could come up with were as follows:
- Dig out the stone
- Cover the stone
- Break the stone into small pieces
Digging out the stone is probably the best option as it removes the whole stone and then you can fill the hole with dirt. Just like that, problem solved.
Unfortunately this is easier said than done.
If the stone is really large and you don’t have access to large machinery, digging out the stone and then moving it may be downright impossible.
Cover the stone
If the stone is only barley sticking out above the surface you may be able to bring in some fill dirt and bury the stone.
Another option would be to place some type of cover or ordainment over the stone to act as a marker. Examples would be a Windmill, Plant or Lawn Gnome.
While this is an option, it really is only masking the problem.
If you lawn is already flat it will be hard to bury rocks by adding more dirt on-top. If you have many rocks to remove, placing a marker over every single rock will eventually end up cluttering up your lawn.
Break the Stone into small Peices

This is the option that worked best for me and was something I could do fairly easily without having to rent large equipment or hire someone.
The downside to this method is that it will require a special kind of tool.
However, at under $100 I would have to say it was money-well-spent as I have since removed over a dozen “problem stones’ from all over my property.
Breaking Rocks with an SDS Rotary Hammer

The tool I used to break up the rocks in my yard was this Bauer SDS Rotary Hammer. It does come with a pretty decent plastic case but you have to purchase the SDS bits separately.
I purchased this in June 2020 from Harbor Freight and paid $69.99 (with coupon) for the Bauer Rotary Hammer and $13.59 (after 20% off coupon) for the 3-piece Warrior SDS Masonry Flat Chisel set.
After tax and all we are still under $100 for the whole set!
Not only that, this tool can be used for a variety of other uses like drilling holes in masonry, breaking up concrete or removing tile.
So, how did it work? Lets take a look.
SDS Rotary Hammer Busting Rocks
This thing worked great!
The best way to describe how this tool operates is like a mini jackhammer. Simply install the bit of your choice, set the tool to the hammer mode and get to work.
Here is a short video:
As you can see from the video, the bit “hammers” into the rock splitting it into small manageable pieces. Little by little, the large rock will eventually be reduced to rubble.
Helpful Tips & Resources:
- Some rocks will break easier than others, try different bits and hit the rock at different angles…eventually it will crack
- The tool will require electric power. For remote locations a small portable generator works great.
- Bauer SDS Variable Speed Pro Rotary Hammer kit User Manual: Item 63288, Item 64287
Removing Large Rocks from your Lawn (final thoughts)
Overall I think this is one of the easiest ways to remove a large rock from your lawn or pathway.
Granted it will require a little bit of an upfront investment but it is much easier than digging and can be used for a variety of other projects. Worst case, you could also use it to remove the troublesome rocks and then sell the tool to recoup some of the cost.
Hopefully you found this information helpful, if you have any questions regarding this process just leave them below in the comments.
That’s not a bad idea to get a jackhammer or something to break apart the rocks in your driveway. I like the idea of getting rid of some of the larger rocks in my yard, so that’s good to know. I should give that a try, and then get someone to help me out with an excavator or something if that doesn’t work.
I have removed about a dozen or so rocks using this tool with good results. It is nice not having to worry about remembering to dodge rocks with the mower or having exposed tripping hazards for guests. Most of the stones ranged from football to basketball size and were easy to break-up using the various chisel bits. The ones that gave me the most trouble were very large stones that were flush to the ground but I think this might have also been due to the type of stone as well. Hope it works out for you!
Did you remove the rock completely or just what was exposed?
Both. In some cases the rock will completely shatter allowing you to remove the entire thing. On other rocks, I was only able to break smaller pieces off…little by little. It’s great not having to worry about hitting stones with the mower any more.